Regulations for the "Gurkit & Aurora: Running for those in berets" charity run

  • 1. Date, time, venue.

    Date: 07/29/2023.Time: 08:00 - 12:00.Venue: Kyiv, ave. Akademika Glushkova, 1, Urban Park.Place of start and finish: Kyiv, ave. Akademika Glushkova, 1, Urban Park.

  • 2. Goal.

    The race "I run for those in berets" (hereinafter - the Race) is held with the purpose of carrying out a charity collection for the purchase of cars for the needs of the Defense Forces of Ukraine, namely - the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after King Danylo, as well as:● popularization and promotion of a healthy lifestyle and development of mass sports;● popularization of charity events in support of the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

  • 3. Organizers, sponsors of the Race.

    The Race is organized by the "Gurkit" charitable foundation, EDRPOU code 44823498.
    The organizing committee of the Race is made up of members of the "Gurkit" charitable foundation:● Anatoly Rybachok (project manager);● Vladislav Samoilenko (manager of work with partners);● Oksana Skapa (manager of work with partners);● Maria Zakharenko (manager of work with participants);● Yehor Zhytniakov (communications manager).

  • 4. Conditions of the Race.

    The race begins under martial law. In the event that an "Air Alarm" signal is announced at the start of any of the Race's distances, the organizers will stop the race until the danger is repelled.

  • 5. Race program.

    07:00 — Opening of the Race venue, ave. Akademika Hlushkova, 1, Urban Park;08:00 — 8:50 - issue of starting packets to participants at the starting point of the Race (except for participants participating in the online format);08:00 — 12:00 – Operation of hidden cameras;08:30 — Run for participants of the 5 km distance;08:50 — Opening of the starting corridor for the 5 km distance;09:00 — Start at a distance of 5 km;9:30 a.m. — Run for participants of the 1 km distance;9:40 a.m. — Awarding of winners at a distance of 5 km;9:50 a.m. — Opening of the starting corridor for the 1 km distance;10:00 — Start at a distance of 1 km;10:15 a.m. — Run for children's race participants;10:30 — Start of the children's race at a distance of 420 m;10:45 — Awarding of winners at the distance of 1 km and 420 m.12:00 — Closing of the Race.
    Arrive at Ave. Akademika Glushkova, 1, Urban Park is recommended 1 hour before the start of your race, in order to have time to change clothes, leave things in the storage room, find the starting corridor and warm up.
    Participants who participate in the Race online and do not arrive at the place of the Race can cover the distance at any time.

  • 6. Conditions of admission to the Race.

    The admission of participants to the Race at the place of the Race is carried out in the presence of the documents provided when receiving the participant's start package:● Identity card confirming the age of the participant (mandatory for all participants, except for children's race participants);● Printout or digital display of the confirmation letter about registration in the Race.
    For participants under the age of 14, it is additionally (required) to have the Consent of parents (legal representatives) for the participation of an underage participant in the Race, which can be provided when receiving the participant's package by signing the Consent of Parents (legal representatives) form for the participation of an underage participant in the Race for a distance of 5 km/ 1 km / 420 m.
    All registered participants are independently responsible for their own life and health during the Race.
    Admission to participation in the online format is granted after receiving confirmation of registration by the participant, but not earlier than 07/29/2023.

  • 7. Emergency situation during the Race.

    In the case of receiving from the State Emergency Service in the region of the Race, on the eve of the event or on the day of the event, a message with a warning about a possible significant deterioration of weather conditions or occurrence due to complex weather phenomena (including but not limited to: earthquake, flood, hurricane, hail , cyclone, storm, lightning, other natural disasters) threats to the life and health of people, the Race Organizer reserves the right to take measures at its own discretion to ensure the safety of participants, spectators, fans and all those who directly or indirectly participate in the Race.The organizing committee of the event has developed an internal safety scale, according to which, in the event of adverse weather events, the Organizing Committee will act in accordance with the agreed plan and require all participants to strictly comply with its requirements, namely:● The first level of danger - wind with a force of 7-9 meters per second - inflatable arches, light structures (including mileage indicators), light awnings, promotional and photo zones are being dismantled.● The second level of danger - wind with a force of 9.5-10 meters per second - dismantling of all awnings, photo areas, as well as the dismantling of the crossbar of the start-finish arch.The project manager will ask to remove anything that may pose a danger. There is a high probability of cancellation of children's starts.The decision to hold or cancel them will be made immediately before the children's starts, based on the actual weather conditions at that time.● The third level of danger - wind of 11 meters per second and more - a decision will be made to hold or cancel the event.

  • 8. Routes and track.

    Track routes for distances: 5 km (start and finish are held in one place; 1 km (start and finish are held in one place)) and children's distance of 420 m.

  • 9. Registration for the Race and receiving the starting package.

    Participants are admitted to the Race on condition of proper and timely registration for the Race.
    Electronic registration of participants is open from 05/29/2023 to 07/28/2023 (subject to availability) on the Run organizer's website on July 29, 2023 is possible only at the place of the Race.The organizer of the Race has the right to suspend or completely close the registration without warning in case of reaching the limit of participants.Limits of participants:● 500 participants at a distance of 5 km● at a distance of 1 km - 200 participants● on the children's distance of 420 m - 100 participants
    A participant is considered registered if he has filled out the application and paid the fee.

  • 10. Entry fee for individual registrations.

    The cost of the entry fee for each of the distances in online or offline format is UAH 500.The initial fee does not include the money transfer fee.The payment of the starting fee by the participants of the Race is made by electronic payment on the organizer's website when registering for participation in the Race.

  • 11. Starter packages and their receipt.

    Issue of start packs for participants participating offline will be held at the venue and on the day of the race.

    Participant's "starter package" includes:
    ● Participant's personal starting number (for those who register before July 20, 2023);
    ● Route map;
    ● Offers of partners;
    ● Pins for fixing the participant's personal starting number);

    During and at the end of the distance, the "starter package" of the participant participating in the place of the Race includes:
    ● Finisher's medal (in case of overcoming the distance; provided / sent after overcoming the distance and confirming the result);
    ● Finisher package: apple, banana, water;
    ● Using changing rooms and hiding rooms;
    ● Food point at the finish line;
    ● Hydration points: 2.5 km and at the finish line of each distance;
    ● Musical support on the track.

  • 11.1. Delivery of the starter package across Ukraine.

    You can receive the Start Package in Ukraine upon registration no later than a week before the date of the Race or within one week after registration (in the case of registration after the date of the Race), by delivery by the "Nova poshta" company.
    Delivery is processed automatically during registration. The cost of delivery of the starter package is paid by the participant in accordance with the carrier's tariffs.

  • 11.2. International delivery of the starter package.

    International delivery of the start package is possible upon registration no later than two weeks before the date of the race or within 30 days after registration (in case of registration after the date of the Race).Delivery is processed automatically upon registration. The cost of international delivery of the starter package by the participant in accordance with the tariffs of the carrier.

  • 12. Food and hydration points.

    Food and hydration points are located at 2.5 km and at the finish line of each distance. Water, medical assistance, food, and volunteer assistance are available at food and hydration stations.

  • 13. Participants of the online race.

    Participants who participate in the Race online and do not arrive at the place of the Race can run the relevant distance of the Race at any place and on any day, but not earlier than the date of the Race.To receive a finisher's medal, such participants send to the organizer's e-mail address a screenshot with the result of running the corresponding distance in any of the applications for recording running results. In such a letter, the delivery address of the finisher's medal is also indicated (by delivery by Nova Poshta).The finisher's medal will be sent to such a participant within 30 calendar days after the organizer receives confirmation of the results of the Race, to the address specified in the letter.

  • 14. Awarding of winners.

    Awards are given to the first three participants in each "Gender" category who were the first to overcome the respective distance in which they participated.Such participants receive commemorative gifts determined by the organizing committee.